Tuesday, 23 March 2010

That feeling you get when you wake up at the wrong time?

That feeling you get when you wake up at the wrong time?Is this normal, when you doze off, and wake up at the wrong time, and no matter what you feel uncomfortable, thirst, CANT STAND NOISE! and feel like kicking the **** out of everything!
Healthwales.com employs innovative health care technology, information and other resources that provide users with by catwoman...
- Mental Health - Healthwales.com well-integrated health
Best Answer - Chosen by health waleI think this is normal. It's almost as if your internal clock gets thrown out of whack, and you have to take some time to readjust. Just recognize that and tell yourself to calm down. Otherwise your anger could escalate and get you into trouble. The feeling will pass, trust me.

That feeling you get when you wake up at the wrong time?

That feeling you get when you wake up at the wrong time?Is this normal, when you doze off, and wake up at the wrong time, and no matter what you feel uncomfortable, thirst, CANT STAND NOISE! and feel like kicking the **** out of everything!
Healthwales.com employs innovative health care technology, information and other resources that provide users with by catwoman...
- Mental Health - Healthwales.com well-integrated health
Best Answer - Chosen by health waleI think this is normal. It's almost as if your internal clock gets thrown out of whack, and you have to take some time to readjust. Just recognize that and tell yourself to calm down. Otherwise your anger could escalate and get you into trouble. The feeling will pass, trust me.

Why am I always tired?

Why am I always tired?I fell asleep at 2AM, woke up at 5AM; went back to bed at 6AM, and woke up at 11AM, ate brunch etc, then went to sleep at 2PM, woke up at 5:30PM; and now here I am typing this out and it's nearly 6PM.
Additional Detailsdepressed, I don't think so..but I have really bad insomnia..I usually sleep 3 hours at time, then wake up instantly...or even 5 hours at a time..lucky if I even get 7 hours in without waking up....
I feel groggy again, I think I'm going to get a bite to eat, then take a nap again...
Healthwales.com employs innovative health care technology, information and other resources that provide users with by mummadiv...
- Mental Health - Healthwales.com well-integrated health
Best Answer - Chosen by health waleAre you getting effective sleep? That is a random sleeping pattern, and doesn't lend itself to allowing your body adequate rest! You could be depressed, or stressed? Do you have lots going on in your life? If it continues I would most certainly go to a doctor!

Why am I always tired?

Why am I always tired?I fell asleep at 2AM, woke up at 5AM; went back to bed at 6AM, and woke up at 11AM, ate brunch etc, then went to sleep at 2PM, woke up at 5:30PM; and now here I am typing this out and it's nearly 6PM.
Additional Detailsdepressed, I don't think so..but I have really bad insomnia..I usually sleep 3 hours at time, then wake up instantly...or even 5 hours at a time..lucky if I even get 7 hours in without waking up....
I feel groggy again, I think I'm going to get a bite to eat, then take a nap again...
Healthwales.com employs innovative health care technology, information and other resources that provide users with by mummadiv...
- Mental Health - Healthwales.com well-integrated health
Best Answer - Chosen by health waleAre you getting effective sleep? That is a random sleeping pattern, and doesn't lend itself to allowing your body adequate rest! You could be depressed, or stressed? Do you have lots going on in your life? If it continues I would most certainly go to a doctor!

What should i say to someone who is actively suicidal?

What should i say to someone who is actively suicidal?If someone i know has recently attempted suicide and told me that they still feel suicidal and there's nothing worth living for. what can i say to them? (apart from to get professional help) what can i actually say to help them? Has anything helped you in the past? thanks for any help. xx
Healthwales.com employs innovative health care technology, information and other resources that provide users with by AtomicOb...
- Mental Health - Healthwales.com well-integrated health
Best Answer - Chosen by VotersAsk what we (use we, not you or I) can do to help you feel in control and still stay safe? Also ask about what can be done to improve this person's situation? basically, ask questions you would be asking yourself, but make the person a part of answering them.And be there. Sometimes that's the most important thing. It sucks to be alone and feel suicidal.