Why am I always tired?I fell asleep at 2AM, woke up at 5AM; went back to bed at 6AM, and woke up at 11AM, ate brunch etc, then went to sleep at 2PM, woke up at 5:30PM; and now here I am typing this out and it's nearly 6PM.
Additional Detailsdepressed, I don't think so..but I have really bad insomnia..I usually sleep 3 hours at time, then wake up instantly...or even 5 hours at a time..lucky if I even get 7 hours in without waking up....
I feel groggy again, I think I'm going to get a bite to eat, then take a nap again...
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Best Answer - Chosen by health waleAre you getting effective sleep? That is a random sleeping pattern, and doesn't lend itself to allowing your body adequate rest! You could be depressed, or stressed? Do you have lots going on in your life? If it continues I would most certainly go to a doctor!